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Join Darkhei Noam for Hoshanah Rabah, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah 5785          

Sukkot icons, Sukkot feast, Sukkot vector

Please note the locations for services:

Wednesday, October 23 Hoshanah Rabah
7:30 AM Shacharit services at SAJ 15 West 86th Street

Please sign up to ensure we have a timely minyan. 
Hoshanot will be provided.

Wednesday, October 23 Erev Shemini Atzeret
Candle lighting: 5:45 PM
Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin
No Darkhei Noam Service for Mincha or Maariv

Thursday, October 24 Shemini Atzeret
9:00 AM Shacharit services at SAJ 15 West 86th Street
Yizkor service, not before 11 AM

Candle lighting: 6:43 PM
6:45 PM Maariv and Hakafot at SAJ
Children's Simchat Torah Ice Cream Party 7:30 PM

Friday, October 25 Simchat Torah
8:45  AM Shacharit and Hakafot services at SAJ 
Light (dairy) kiddush 
(Honoree kiddush will be held on Shabbat Bereishit at MCS)
Candle lighting: 5:42 PM

Shabbat, October 26 Shabbat Bereishit
9:15AM Shacharit services at MCS 150 West 85th Street
Simchat Torah Honoree (meat) Kiddush to follow services
Havdalah: 6:41 PM

  • Darkhei Noam's Sukkah is available for use in the courtyard at 86th and WEA. Thank you to the fabulous volunteers who joined Lucian Chown in building our sukkahs, and our wonderful youth department for beautifully decorating our DN sukkahs! Click here for more images of our sukkah superheroes. 

    For information and to sign up for the use of the DN Sukkah (please register here.)

  • Join Darkhei Noam in celebrating this year's Simchat Torah honorees:

    Rob Mayer: Chatan Torah
    Rebecca Borison: Kallat Bereishit
    Deena Nerwen: Kol HaNearim
    Click here to contribute to the Simchat Torah Honoree Kiddush. Please select "Simchat Torah Kiddush" from the drop-down menu or email Betsy Smolar.  

  • Border Kibbutzim/Otef Aza Campaign 
    Zoom Program Sunday October 27 at 10:00 AM.

    Join Darkhei Noam & Beit Rabban Day School in solidarity with Border Kibbutzim as our kehilla continues its support of Otef Aza and other kibbutzim in affected areas in Israel. Register here.

  • Darkhei Noam Bnei Mitzvah Cohort Meeting - a new Darkhei Noam initiative for youth celebrating their Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the next few months.

    Join the Bnei Mitzvah cohort for the next session THIS Shabbat 10/26 during kiddush (from 12:00-12:30 pm) in the meeting room on the first floor of MCS.This session will feature educator and community member Rabbi Dan Smokler! For more information please email Deena Nerwen

  • Please consider sponsoring a KiddushSponsorships begin at $500, and information can be found here. Donations of any size designated for the Kiddush fund are appreciated. Please see the updated Kiddush options.

  • We have a misheberach list for those who cannot be in shul during Shacharit on Shabbat. If you would like your name or the name of a loved one to be given to the gabbaim at Shacharit on Shabbat, don't hesitate to get in touch with Darkhei Noam

About Darkhei Noam

DARKHEI NOAM is a lay-led partnership minyan and halachic Jewish community on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that meets for Shabbat and Holiday services.

We meet at 150 West 85th Street (Manhattan Country School), between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues, for Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning services.

For volunteering opportunities click here.

Weekly Classes

Mishna with Yuri Simon - Wednesdays at 8 pm
To join:

Teachings of Wonder, Wisdom, and Values with Joe Septimus - Thursdays at 8 pm
We will explore selected teachings from Torah, Talmud, Midrash, and various other sources. The texts are rich in literary style, their willingness to confront the strengths and weaknesses of human nature, and their exploration of godliness and universal realities. Our texts and discussion will enhance and deepen our appreciation of life’s wisdom and Jewish values. To join:

5784 Membership

As a growing minyan, we depend solely on membership and other contributions from our community to meet our operating expenses. Darkhei Noam invites you to renew your membership or join as a member for the first time. We welcome everyone to join as members, irrespective of financial contributions.  We are deeply appreciative of all the support from our community. Please keep in mind that membership dues alone only cover 25% of our budget costs. Therefore, we also ask that those members who can make an additional contribution please consider doing so.

To join or renew as a member, please click here.

Community Announcements

Breakfast after Hoshanah Rabbah is sponsored by Wendy Amsellem and Mike Moskowitz in honor of the yahrzeit of Wendy’s grandmother, Gussie Seltzer Helfgott, Gittel bat Sarah v’Yisrael z”l

Weekly Kabbalat Shabbat service
SIGN UP on this form and commit to being at MCS at the specified time to ensure we have a minyan.

We invite you to send us your community announcements to share with the community.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785