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About Darkhei Noam

DARKHEI NOAM is a lay-led partnership minyan and halachic Jewish community on the Upper West Side of Manhattan that meets for Shabbat and Holiday services.

We meet at 150 West 85th Street (MCS), between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues, for Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat morning services.

This Shabbat at Darkhei Noam

Friday, January 17, 2025
Kabbalat Shabbat at 5:35 PM (No Mincha)
Rabbi Sperber will be delivering a D'var Torah at Kabbalat Shabbat.

Candle Lighting: 4:37 PM

Shabbat, January 18, 2025
Parashat Shmot

Shacharit: 9:15 AM 
(Services held at MCS 150 West 85th Street)

Rachel Landsberg will be giving this week's D'var Torah.

Kiddush this week is NOT YET SPONSORED. Please consider sponsoring by clicking here.

Havdalah: 5:38 PM

Youth Programming

Darkhei Noam provides youth programming for children of all ages during Shabbat morning and holiday services. 

In addition to shabbat programming, childcare and youth programming is provided for all minyan sponsored lunches and dinners. 

If you have any questions or want to get involved, please email Deena at For more information click here.

Click HERE for photos  of the recent Seudah Shelishit/Havdalah Service and Candle Making activity

Community Announcements

Please continue to support families in Israel living on the border kibbutzim in the Darkhei Noam-Beit Raban Border Kibbutzim/Otef Aza campaign 

We invite you to send us your community announcements to share with the community.

Upcoming Events

Weekly Classes

Mishna with Yuri Simon - Wednesdays at 8 PM
To join:

Teachings of Wonder, Wisdom, and Values with Joe Septimus - Thursdays at 8 PM
We will explore selected teachings from Torah, Talmud, Midrash, and various other sources. The texts are rich in literary style, their willingness to confront the strengths and weaknesses of human nature, and their exploration of godliness and universal realities. Our texts and discussion will enhance and deepen our appreciation of life’s wisdom and Jewish values. To join:

Darkhei Noam Annual Campaign

Membership dues, Yamim Noraim ticket sales, and other income only cover about two-thirds of our operating expenses. We rely on donations from our membership to bridge the gap.

The annual campaign helps us pay rent, salaries of our executive director and youth coordinator, security, children’s programming, kiddush food and so much more.


5785 Membership 

As a growing minyan, we depend solely on membership and other contributions from our community to meet our operating expenses. Darkhei Noam invites you to renew your membership or join as a member for the first time. We welcome everyone to join as members, irrespective of financial contributions.  We are deeply appreciative of all the support from our community. Please keep in mind that membership dues alone only cover 25% of our budget costs. Therefore, we also ask that those members who can make an additional contribution please consider doing so.

To join or renew as a member, please click here.

Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785