Darkhei Noam meets in the morning for every chag, although often not at night over the holidays. Our typical yearly schedule is below, although it is subject to change.
Davening times and other holidays details are posted online shortly before each holiday.
Selichot - We meet for the first Saturday night only, at 10:30 pm.
Rosh Hashanah - We meet for all services except Mincha on the 2nd day at the end of chag. Details and seat registration are posted at least six weeks before the chag.
Yom Kippur - We meet for all services, from Kol Nidre, through Neillah.
Sukkot - We meet at 9 am on both days of Sukkot and Chol haMoed Shabbat, although not in the evenings or Chol haMoed weekdays. We have a small sukkah available for community members to use throughout the week.
Shemini Atzeret - 9 am for Shacharit, although not in the evening before. Yizkor generally is not before 10:45 am.
Simchat Torah - We meet for hakafot and dancing at night, and then at 9:00 am for Shacharit. Our morning services provide a chance for all community members to receive an aliyah, and we serve a gala kiddush in honor of our Hatan Torah and Kallah Bereishit.
Purim - We meet in the evening and morning for services and Megillah reading.
Pesach - We meet at 9 am for the first days, Shabbat Chol haMoed, and last days of Pesah. We do not meet in the evenings. Yizkor on the eighth day is not before 10:45 am.
Shavuot - We meet for a vatikin minyan as well as at 9:30 am on the first day. We meet at 9 am on the second day, with Yizkor not before 10:45 am.
Tisha B'Av - We meet in the evening for Maariv and Eicha, and this year will be meeting for Mincha, a shiur, Maariv, and a small break fast.
Mahzor Dedication
Tue, February 18 2025
20 Shevat 5785
Shabbat February 7- 8, 2025
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Mishpatim
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 21, 5:20pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22, 6:21pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Feb 22 |
Upcoming Events
Friday ,
MarMarch 7 , 2025
Friday, Mar 7th 7:00p to Motzei Shabbat, Mar 8th 3:00p
Shmuly Yanklowitz is a rabbi, activist and the founder of several Jewish human rights and social justice organizations. Newsweek listed him as one of the 50 most influential rabbis in America in 2012 and 2013. -
Saturday ,
MayMay 10 , 2025
Shabbat, May 10th (All day)
Friday ,
JunJune 13 , 2025
Friday, Jun 13th 7:00p to Shabbat, Jun 14th 8:00p
Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld is a Rabbinic Fellow of the David Hartman Center in Jerusalem. She serves as Chief Learning Officer at Sefaria, the innovative online database and interface for Jewish texts.
Volunteer to Lead Services!
If you would like to volunteer to lead services, read from the Torah or give a D'var Torah, please click here!
Get Involved in Communal Programming
If you would like to volunteer within our community please click here.
Join Darkhei Noam on WhatsApp
DN Chesed will be used to connect the community and alert members to volunteering opportunities.
Need a laugh? You'll find jokes, videos, memes and more at DN Comic Relief.
If you identify as a "Young Professional" in the Darkhei Noam community and are interested in connecting with others, join Darkhei Noam YPs WhatsApp Group!
Are you a Tot Tefillah parent or do you want to start attending? Join the Tot Tefillah WhatsApp group to be in the know.
Pride at Darkhei Noam welcomes all LGBTQ+ members of DN to our WhatsApp group.
Join DN Stands for Israel to share resources and support.
Email to request the sign-up links.
Mailing address: c/o Alistair Gatoff, 215 West 91st Street, #122, New York, NY 10024
Meeting address: 150 W 85 St, NY, NY 10024
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