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General Questions about Getting Involved

Contact us at if you need help getting connected to a volunteer opportunity at Darkhei Noam.

Participate in Lay-Led Weekly Services

As a lay-led community, Darkhei Noam’s weekly services are led and coordinated entirely by volunteers. There is no need for prior experience to participate in weekly services. Our coordinators can connect community members to teachers and resources to learn how to lead any portion of the service, including davening, leining, acting as a gabbai, and giving a D'var Torah. Please reach out to our coordinators or fill out the volunteer form to learn more. We’d love to hear from you!

Davening Coordinators:
Michael Kasdan
Ayelet (Yelli) Lobel
Leining Coordinators:
Zahava Blumenthal
Robert Mayer
Gabbaim Coordinator:
Aaron Marks
Dvar Torah Coordinator:
Hannah Rothstein

Get Involved in Communal Programming


Hospitality and Welcoming:
Connecting community members and visitors to hosts for Shabbat meals; coordinating bi-annual community-wide Mix and Match events.
Primary contact: Allie Alperovich

Selecting and inviting speakers for Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat events throughout the year.
Primary contact: Chaim Trachtman

Young Professionals (DNYP):
Planning social and educational events for young professionals throughout the year, including annual Tikkun Yom on Shavuot, Potluck Shabbat, and the DNYP book club.
Primary contact: Ayelet Lobel

Pride Committee:
Organizing educational and social events, as well as chesed opportunities, for LGBTQ+ Darkhei Noam members of
all ages and the broader Jewish queer community of NYC.
Primary contacts: Leana Tapnack, Neta Lerner, and Isaac Altman

Climate Action Committee:
Planning events to educate our community about the climate crisis within a Jewish framework, including Climate Action Shabbat; overseeing the Darkhei Noam composting program; promoting the reduction of food waste at community events; and creating opportunities for personal and collective action in addressing the climate crisis.
Primary contacts: Rachel Mackson-Landsberg and Rachela Elias

Shiva and Aveilut Support:
Supporting families by assisting with Shiva details, including setting up the Shiva site and delivering necessary items; providing help with planning a post-cemetery meal; and coordinating Shiva Minyanim and text study.
Primary contacts: Ozzie Haller, Gail Gordon, and Bruce Goldberger
Initial contact for burial and shiva needs should be sent to

Development Committee:
Coordinating community giving initiatives and planning for Darkhei Noam's ongoing financial development.
Primary contact: Eric Kaplan

Youth Programming:
Planning and coordinating youth programming for children of all ages during Shabbat morning and holiday services. 
Primary contact: Deena Nerwen





Thu, January 16 2025 16 Tevet 5785