Kiddush Sponsorship
Kiddush Sponsorship
The Darkhei Noam community relies on its members to sponsor kiddushim. We hope you will sponsor a kiddush to mark a simcha, celebrate a birthday, commemorate a yahrzeit, honor an individual's accomplishment, or just to enhance everyone's oneg Shabbat. There may be more than one sponsor of kiddush on any given Shabbat (with the exception of special occasions when there is an exclusive sponsorship).
Since not every kiddush is sponsored, we hope you will consider a donation to the kiddush fund so we can provide a kiddush every week. Kiddush Fund donations are much appreciated and will be acknowledged regularly.
- Basic Pareve Kiddush: $1,000
The suggested donation just covers the costs of the basic kiddush which is pareve and includes salads, gefilte fish/herring, crudite, fruit, cookies, and beverages. Sponsorships that cover the greater part of costs (a donation of at least $500) will be acknowledged. - Standard Meat (or Dairy) Kiddush: $1,500
Basic Pareve Kiddush items plus:
- MEAT may include: meat and pareve cholent and chicken fingers
- DAIRY may include: mini quiches, pareve cholent, and salmon croquettes. vegetarian cigars. - Upgraded Meat (or Dairy) Kiddush: $2,000
All of the above plus:
- MEAT: other meat items which might include :meatballs, franks in blankets, drumsticks, and other delicacies.
- DAIRY: other dairy items which might include: pesto tortellini skewers, lentil salads. - Exclusive Sponsorship:
For the cost of food plus $500 we offer an exclusive sponsorship to the donor. With this option you may also customize the menu. - Please note: All kiddushes include pareve and vegetarian options.
- Contact Darkhei Noam at for more information about sponsorship, menus, etc.
*Please note that we need to place orders for kiddush no later than Wednesday at noon; be sure that we are aware of any requested additions or other changes to the basic kiddush in time by contacting
Kiddush Payment
Thu, October 10 2024
8 Tishrei 5785
Update this content.
Friday ,
OctOctober 11 , 2024
Friday, Oct 11th 5:50p to 7:30p
Sunday ,
OctOctober 13 , 2024
Sunday, Oct 13th 3:00p to 4:00p
Join us for a fun-filled event as we decorate the community sukkah together! Kids will also have the chance to build their very own candy sukkah. It's a sweet and creative way to get excited for Sukkot! All children and families are welcome. -
Wednesday ,
OctOctober 16 , 2024
Wednesday, Oct 16th 6:00p to Friday, Oct 18th 12:00a
The Darkhei Noam Sukkah will be located at 263 West 86th street, entrance on West End Avenue (Courtyard of Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, SP-SA). The Darkhei sukkah at SP-SA has seating for about 24 people and is available for community members to host meals during the entire week of Sukkot. There is also space for people who want to come in to quickly make a bracha in the sukkah. Given the space limitations, for the main meals on the first days of Sukkot, we ask that you reserve space using this form. During Chol haMoed feel free to drop in to eat in our sukkah at SP-SA. -
Thursday ,
OctOctober 17 , 2024
Thursday, Oct 17th 9:00a to Friday, Oct 18th 9:00a
Join Darkhei Noam for Sukkot Shacharit services at SAJ 15 West 86th Street -
Friday ,
OctOctober 18 , 2024
Friday, Oct 18th 9:00a to 12:00p
Sunday ,
OctOctober 27 , 2024
Sunday, Oct 27th 10:00a to 11:00a
Details to follow next week
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