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Ritual Practices

The tefillah practices of Darkhei Noam reflect the minyan's commitment to finding opportunities for all members to play active roles in prayer within the framework of halakha.

Darkhei Noam’s mechitza is designed to create 3 separate domains: a davening space for men, a davening space for women, and a public ritual space in the center, which houses the Torah reading and provides a space for the ba’alai tefillah (the women and men who lead tefillah) to stand while leading davening.

Women lead the following services:

Kabbalat Shabbat
Pseukei D’Zimra
Torah Service
Hallel (except on Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah)

Women always lead the first three services above, while men and women split leading Yizkor and Hallel.  Men always lead Shacharit, Musaf, Mincha, and Maariv.

During the High Holidays, women are often paired with men to co-lead services, specifically the expanded piyutim. On Rosh Hashana a man and woman share the shofar blowing. 

Younger boys and girls often lead the end of services.

Torah Reading
Adults of all genders fully participate in kriyat haTorah (Torah reading) in the context of a traditional minyan of ten men. We divide the aliyot among congregants each week. Similarly, people of all genders partake in reading megilot.

A man and woman serve together as gabbaim during Torah reading. For the purpose of receiving aliyot, a woman is considered to be a yisrael.

Lifecycle Events
Lifecycle events are marked at Darkhei Noam. New parents often receive aliyot to mark the birth of a new child, which is often accompanied by a baby naming ceremony for girls. Children coming of age celebrate their b'nei mitzvahs with the community, and the Shabbat before a wedding, partners receive aliyot as part of their aufruf weekend. Adults of all genders recite kaddish when in mourning or to mark the yahrzeit of loved ones.

Darkhei Noam is committed to providing as many venues as possible for the community to grow and learn. Every Shabbat morning there is a dvar Torah before Musaf. In addition, scholars are invited to learn with our minyan several times a year, offering the community opportunities for extended learning and discussions on various topics as well as communal meals with the scholars-in-residence.

Please view our Halakhic Resources page for more details regarding Darkhei Noam's ritual practices. 

Ritual Tools

Darkhei Noam has developed a series of tools and handouts for use during services. We are happy to share these with other partnership minyanim.


Torah Aliyah Cards (set to print double-sided, cut, and laminated)

Torah Blessing Sheets, with half-kaddish and birkat gomel on the back

End of Davening Order, for children leading the end of services

Gabbai Booklets

Gabbai Tools - a 52-page booklet with public prayers, various misheberakhs for special occasions, and page announcements for holidays. Individual prayers can be printed as separate pages.

Gabbai Handbook - a 40-page booklet of ritual notes as to how Darkhei Noam operates, and a calendar guide for the year to help prepare for various shabbatot and holidays.


Liturgy breakdown for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with potential women's roles in a co-leading model highlighted

Page number charts for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, listing various commonly used mahzorim 

Reshuyot for Hatan/Kallat Torah and Hatan/Kallat Bereishit on Simchat Torah

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785